How to Install SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21

You have made this far with your Samsung Galaxy S21 root mission and its time to download and install SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21.
Firstly, it might be a good idea to understand what SuperSU can do for you in terms of functionality in the Android operating system.
Secondly, it will be immensely helpful to know about the resources to get SuperSU.
Lastly, the final leap will be installing SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21 and get the most out of the device while keeping the operating system in low threat level zone.
Benefits of SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21
To list the benefits that SuperSU provides it seems necessary to understand that at this point the only limitation is the creativity of the user and customization plan with only-root access applications in the android store.
The benefits that come after installing SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21 can be listed as:
- SuperSU is flashed with TWRP, simply because its easier and the playstore SuperSU app requires root permission
- Installing SuperSU gives root access to other apps
- To unroot Samsung Galaxy S21, select full unroot feature in SuperSU app, this unroots the device and can be done temporarily or permanently
- SuperSU differentiates between root allowed and denied apps, it can keep record of the apps that are allowed root functionality and other that are denied the root access
- At the same time SuperSU provides one stop permissions to the apps that require root access to function
- Ghost mode is useful mode for SuperSU to run in because it can keep the pressure off the memory and frees up space for more immediate tasks
Download SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21
Once the value that SuperSU brings to the table in understood then its time to download SuperSU from the resource site.
Unfortunately, the Original Firmware Developers have stopped developing and updating the SuperSU software but still the older versions are available and can work fine with Samsung Galaxy S21.
Alternatively, New Developers have updated the software and they also have been pushing SuperSU pro version.
The pro version is the premium product and comes with extra features that might be good for the advanced users in terms of more customization extent.
However, in rooting Samsung Galaxy S21 the simple pro bono version can work wonders.
Some Pre-requisites!!!
Before moving on with the Installation there is a need to describe some must haves, without those SuperSU cannot run and the root process cannot complete.
- Charging Samsung Galaxy S21 full or at-least 80% is best practice always
- Bootloader must be unlocked on Samsung Galaxy S21
- TWRP recovery must be downloaded and installed on Samsung Galaxy S21 as this is required to flash SuperSU .zip file
Install SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21
Once the .zip file is downloaded, you can place it either in internal memory or external SD card. Preferably, internal memory will be a good place to keep the installation files.
- Boot the device into bootloader
- In the prompt type FastBoot flash recovery.img
- Let flashing recovery.img
- Switch to the recovery mode
- In the TWRP, continue to advanced >> ADB sideload swipe to continue
- Sideload SuperSU download latest version
- Reboot will render SuperSU successfully installed
Managing SuperSU within Samsung Galaxy S21
Let the power come forth as the device is rooted now and all the features of Samsung Galaxy S21 are in the grasp. Again, it cannot be stressed enough that rooting device is dangerous because of the low-level tweaking with the operating system.
But after following multiple guides and going step by step with the root procedure, now is the time to enjoy the fruit of the labor.
If there lies some sort of uncertainty about the root after Installing SuperSU on Samsung Galaxy S21 then there are ways to check the health of the root process to confirm that root went according to plan or some files went missing. This can be done by using playstore application such as ROOT CHECKER.